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How to implement mindfulness in the workplace

Mindfulness in the workplace is an important concept that is on the rise.

In fact, a recent study found that the number of job postings mentioning ‘mindfulness’ or ‘meditation’ has tripled since 2014.

This shouldn’t be surprising when you take into consideration all of the benefits that mindfulness in the workplace provides.

When employees practice mindfulness, it not only lowers their stress levels and increases their focus but also encourages them to be kinder to themselves and others, which makes for a more productive and healthy work environment overall.

But how can you get your company to implement these ideas and boost their productivity with mindfulness? Keep reading for some useful tips!

  • Hold morning sessions to start your day mindfully

  • Encourage employees to practice mindfulness at their homes

  • Run a 4 - 8 week mindfulness for stress course

  • Set up a mindfulness room or quiet space

  • Allow employees to take daily 15-Minute mindfulness breaks

Allow employees to take daily 15-minute mindful breaks

Along with journaling and eating together, breaks are another great ritual to implement in your work environment.

This can be in the form of a walking break or even a 15-minute break in which employees can do things like yoga or breathing exercises.

Studies have shown that taking breaks during your workday recharges your energy and helps you focus more when you get back to your tasks.

Taking breaks throughout the day can also help to prevent burnout because it gives your brain the break it needs from constant focus and pressure.

When you are burnt out and stressed, you tend to be less productive, and your work will suffer because of it. Taking breaks helps you refocus and prevents this from happening.

Hold weekly togetherness sessions with︰breakfast, lunch, or dinner Rituals

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are the most important meals of the day, and they can also help your company with their mindfulness practices.

These meals are great for helping employees feel connected to each other because they are usually shared with everyone, creating a sense of togetherness and camaraderie between workers.

In addition to helping employees feel more connected, these meals are also great for helping employees unwind from a stressful day and refocus on the present moment.

Another great ritual to add to your weekly togetherness sessions is a journaling activity.

Journaling is another great way for employees to unwind from the stresses of their day and refocus on the present moment.

It’s a great way to explore and process any emotions you may be feeling while also training your brain to stay in the present moment.

Go for a Walk

The benefits of walking are many, but the most important is that it allows you to take a break from your daily activities and brings you back to the present moment. By taking a walk and focusing on the sensations you feel as your feet hit the ground and the air hits your face (or the air in your ears if you are wearing headphones), you allow yourself to be fully present in that moment.

Taking a walk can be a great way to clear your head, collect your thoughts and take a break from things that are weighing you down. It can be done at any time and doesn’t require any extra effort or time on your part other than choosing to walk instead of sitting and staying at your desk.

When people think about the word ‘mindfulness’, it’s easy to assume that it is a new concept.

However, meditation and being present in the moment have been around for thousands of years. The only thing that has changed is that more and more employers are beginning to realise the benefits of mindfulness and incorporating it into their work environments.

The best way to achieve more with mindfulness in the workplace is to incorporate practices like journaling, taking breaks, and eating meals together. These activities help you to recharge and stay focused throughout your workday, making you more productive in the process.

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