Morning Routines

Office Vitality  Monthly Digest

How do you start the day?

Do you have a morning routine?

A few years ago I went on a retreat in Cambodia and on that retreat I made an intention to keep a morning routine that inspires my day.

The next thing that happened was lockdown and so I got more than enough space to really implement this intention.

It’s never fixed and it’s always flowing to suit the environment and what I need at that time.

I started journaling around 2016 after doing the Artists Way course, It’s something I did religiously every morning for years, and now I dip in and out! It’s three pages of free writing anything in your head, and you don’t stop the flow until you finish! 

Meditation and yoga is a big part of my life so I like to include them when I can. At the moment,  I write a gratitude list upon waking up and set five intentions for the day.  I aim to do 15 minutes of meditation and some yoga - around 30 minutes. If I can’t do that, I skip, walk, or get active! I’m also a fan of a cold blast from the shower after the hot one!

“When I lose my morning routine, I lose my day and focus, which impacts my performance” 

So even if this sounds highly indulgent, I would suggest giving it a try and seeing how it affects your day.

I like to change mine up occasionally. I no longer journal. That was more of a lockdown activity, and it’s a little bit time-consuming.

At the moment, I am doing a mindful walk in the mornings, so it’s a combination of activity and meditation. Even though we live a 15-minute walk away from the beach, I find that we don’t make it down to the beach enough.

We live atop a hill in Koh Phangan, so I just walk to get active up and down this hill everyday! (By the way, nobody walks here) it’s boiling, there are no pavements, and everyone drives a motorbike, including us! So, my step count was at an all-time low! 

We are located in the most beautiful place in Thailand so becoming present with this walk is something that just fills my heart with gratitude.

On occasions, I feel grateful to the food I am eating and the person delivering it; yesterday I felt like I was thriving! 

Before I started this routine, I have to say there were days I felt like I was surviving! I live here with my partner, and we haven’t met many people, so I have been missing my friends in the UK and that sense of connection. I am now meeting that need by connecting fully with nature.

I usually have a coffee, and then there is this cute little co-working office that is empty that I can write from it perfectly, and it overlooks the beach.

“I’m just walking to work and having a coffee but in a new way! No phone, tuning into my five senses smell, taste, touch and sounds. The birds and the ocean join together and form a chorus of nature at its best”.

Today, I feel blessed. The co-working space has a pool, massages, and a cafe selling great lunch and breakfast options.

This is my favourite morning routine so far! But it has to suit your environment and season!

I wouldn’t want to do this as much on a cold January morning! I might opt for something more soothing and warm—a combination of yoga and stretches, a 15-minute meditation, or a 10-minute dance to my favourite get-up-and-go music.



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