How to Improve Your Life with Mindfulness Coaching

one to one mindfulness coaching

Mindfulness is about bringing our attention to the present moment in a non-judgmental way. When mindful, we fully know what is happening around us and within us.

It centres us so that we are not caught up in our thoughts but can see things clearly as they happen. When you think about it, mindfulness plays a massive part in almost every aspect of our lives. After all, what could be more important than focusing on where we are and who we’re with at that given moment?

At the same time, it can be challenging to incorporate mindfulness into your life regularly. That’s why many people seek out one-to-one mindfulness coaching instead of group classes or workshops.

What is one-to-one mindfulness coaching?

Mindfulness coaching aims to help clients become more aware of their thoughts and feelings in each moment to make better decisions and take action towards their goals. It typically involves meeting with a trained coach regularly (usually weekly or monthly), discussing what is happening in your life and how you would like to feel and then working together to create a personalised plan to achieve those goals.

Coaching differs from counselling in that it is not meant to be a long-term solution to mental health challenges or issues but a short-term plan to help you make the changes you want. Coaching is ideal for anyone interested in improving their life but doesn’t know where to start. It is also well suited to people who are already pretty self-aware but could benefit from having someone help them make sense of their feelings and what they need to do next.

How does one-to-one mindfulness coaching work?

Mindfulness coaching sessions usually include a combination of information sharing, planning and reflection.

The coach may ask you to share your goals and how you would like to improve your life. From there, you will create a customised action plan to help you achieve those goals.

The coaching process involves reflecting on what is happening in your life and your thoughts and feelings. It consists of identifying areas of your life that may benefit from being more mindful and creating an action plan to help you make the changes you want.

Why is one-to-one mindfulness coaching effective?

Mindfulness coaching offers many benefits that make it a good fit for many people.

Here are a few reasons why it is so effective: - Focus on the present moment - One of the best ways to overcome challenges in your life is to focus on the present moment.

When you spend time thinking about the past or worrying about the future, you will likely feel stressed, anxious and overwhelmed.

When you can stay present at the moment, you have a better chance of dealing with challenges, being productive and living a happier life. - Create positive habits - When you start a new hobby, sport, exercise routine or other activity, it can be challenging to stick with it.

Coaching can help you create sustainable habits to commit to for the long haul. This is especially helpful when incorporating mindfulness into your daily life. - Support from a trusted source - One benefit of one-to-one coaching is that you have the support of your coach throughout the process.

When you have someone in your corner cheering you on and supporting you, it is easier to achieve your goals. - Confidentiality - Another benefit of coaching is that it is confidential.

You don’t have to share any information you aren’t comfortable with, and your coach won’t discuss your sessions with anyone else. - Customised for your situation - Many people like the one-to-one nature of coaching because it allows them to discuss their situation with a coach who truly understands it.

Your coach can help you create a personalised action plan to achieve your goals. - Ongoing support - Unlike many other forms of therapy, coaching doesn’t usually end after a certain period. Instead, it is an ongoing process designed to support you as you change your life.

Five ways a coach can help you with your mindfulness practice

- Create structure - You can have all the best intentions when incorporating mindfulness into your daily life, but sometimes it can be challenging to follow through. Having a coach who can help you with structure, creating a schedule and ensuring you follow through can make a big difference. - Solve mental barriers - Everyone faces challenges when making changes in their life. Having a coach who can help you recognise and overcome these barriers can be extremely helpful. - Create accountability - A lot of people start a new routine or habit with the best of intentions but then lose steam after a short period.

Having a coach who can hold you accountable for what you want to achieve can make a big difference. - Get to know you better - Having someone who knows you and your personality can make all the difference.

Working with a coach who knows you well can help you create a personalised action plan to help you achieve your goals. - Help you reflect on your progress - Having a coach who can help you reflect on your progress can be incredibly helpful. Looking back on your journey and seeing how far you have come is essential.


Improving your life doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking. Small changes can make a big difference over time. Mindfulness is a simple practice that can help you achieve your goals, be more productive and feel more at ease in your daily life. If you want to incorporate mindfulness into your everyday life or are ready to change significantly, one-to-one coaching may be your best option.


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